Energy & EPC Business
Energy and EPC Business
Reliability . Partnerships . Innovation
Established in 2021, Energy and EPC Business Division of the Chowgule Group has already made a name as a reputed and reliable EPC contractor for the upstream offshore Oil & Gas sector, including Wellhead Platform construction, refurbishment and maintenance of Platforms and Offshore structures; Drilling Rig upgrades and refurbishments; Pipe lay projects; MOPU/FPSO/FSRU and other large offshore projects. We also participate in new opportunities in Energy transition through LNG transportation and Renewable Energy Projects.
Chowgule Group’s fundamentals of reliability and execution excellence, are combined with domain expertise in Offshore Energy sector, through sustainable partnerships and innovative solutions, that have resulted in accomplishing a number of Projects in a relatively short duration of 3 years from inception. These projects have been executed for reputed clients like ONGC Ltd., Sun Petrochemicals, Shelf Drilling International, Greatship (India) Ltd., Foresight Drilling, Jindal Drilling and such.
Projects executed or under execution as of September 2024:
- ONGC PMPT1 PROJECT : USD 70M project for Revamp work of 41 number of platforms over 3 seasons (2022 – 2025 ) with 2 x AWB Barge and 2 x Workboat as marine spread. Total of around 3000 MT renewals consisting of replacement of grating, handrails, Chequered plates and repair/ replacement of supporting structural steel including painting of replaced/ repaired items. Project to be completed by 2025.
- SUNPETRO WELLHEAD PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: USD 12M EPC Project for construction of Offshore SMART Wellhead Platform, complete with Jacket, Skirt Sleeves, Boat-landing, Piles, Conductors , 3 decks and Risers and equipment as per Design. Project being undertaken at our newly acquired Mangalore yard and loadout of platform is scheduled for Q4 2024.
- REPAIR, REFURBISHMENT AND UPGRADATION OF JACK UP RIG AT DIGHI LOCATION: CCPL is providing option for alongside parking for repairs/refurbishment of jack up rigs at Dighi Port, south of Mumbai. Presently a project is underway where a jack up rig is parked alongside at Southbank Dighi Port and CCPL is supporting the client with yard services, steel renewal, piping renewals, blasting and painting services etc. CCPL also provided the client with a solution for spudcan crack repairs below wate line. Our innovative in-house solution was accepted by Class and saved the Client, time and money compared to towing the rig to Middle East and execute the repairs in a dry dock.
- CCPL’S FIRST OVERSEAS PROJECT: CCPL supported the Client starting from inspection, advise on acquisition, Re-activation of the rig in the Middle East and sailing of the rig to India. Currently we are supporting the client with 5 yearly hull gauging, related steel renewals and MODU 79 to 89 upgrade.
- RIG REPAIR/REFURBISHMENT WORKSCOPE AT OFFSHORE LOCATIONS: Executed more than 21 Rig projects involving 500++ tons of Steel Replacement, Piping renewals, crane Pedestal renewals etc. onboard various Indian and Foreign Owned rigs at Offshore locations during Rig Operations. Executing steel and piping replacement/repair projects during rig operations saves the owner time for rollover of rigs into new contract and reduces the workload during contract changeover.
- JACK UP RIG LEG BRACING RENEWAL : Successfully completed more than 60 leg bracing renewals on various rigs. Electric Elevators were installed and used on the leg for safe men and material movement up and down the leg and for efficient production.
- JACK UP RIG SPUDCAN JETTING NOZZLE DECLOGGING PROJECTS : Successfully executed more than 4 Spudcan jetting nozzle de-clogging Projects without drydocking. We have recently developed new Engineering solution for Spudcan jetting nozzle cleaning without DIVING team support and have already executed one project as per the same. With these innovative solutions, Rig owners benefit in terms of time and money in lieu of dry docking and repairs.

Our Work
Projects Completed

Crane Pedestal Installation

Spudcan Jetting Nozzle Declogging

Leg Bracing Renewals

Steel Renewal Offshore During Operations

Jack Up Rig Reactivation

Seawater Piping Renewal During Operations

Spudcan Crack Repair

Jack Up Project - Alongside At Dighi Port

Jack Up - Project Management Of Class Special Survey Hull

Jack Up - Flare Boom Refurbishment Project

Our Work
EPC – Fabrication and Maintenance
Well Head Platforms
Accommodation Modules

Our Work
Jacket movement with SPMT
Get In Touch

Mumbai Office:
Chowgule And Company Private Limited – Energy and EPC Division
Unit No. 3208/3209, A Wing 32nd Floor, Marathon Futurex, Mafatlal Mills Compound, N. M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel(East), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013
Viswanathan Kamesh +91 99204 71447
Chennai Office:
Chowgule And Company Private Limited – Energy and EPC Division
No. 12, COVESTAYS, Murugappa Road,
Kotturpuram, Chennai – 600085
Rajesh Gopali +91 7550084241
Arun Kailasan +91 95000 44305
For Enquiries: